
Sufis of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (Set of 3 Volumes)


Weight 1.5 kg
Author/Translator Dr. N. K. Singh
Binding Hardbound
Language English

The triple volume works “Sufis of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh” is a comprehensive biographical analysis of the prominent Sufis of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. First and second volumes describe the life and works of Indian Sufis in alphabetical order. The mystical philosophy of Indian Sufis is based on three cardinal doctrines of muhabbat or the love of God, marifa, or the knowledge of God, and tawhid or the Unification of God. Love is the sole means of Sufis unification with God and therefore he disassociates himself from everything save God. Love of God results in the attainment of the knowledge of Divine Essence. This triple volume works “Sufis of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh” highlights on the biographical outline of the prominent Sufis of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Third volume describes the life and philosophy of the Sufis Pakistan and Bangladesh. They played very important role in spreading of Islam in eastern part of Indian sub-continent. Their mystical ideology based on three cardinal doctrines of muhabbat or the love of God, marifa, or the knowledge of God, and tawhid or the Unification of god.


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